Modules for PrestaShop

Get a high performance online store with our catalog of addons, all of them developed by our agency certified as PrestaShop Expert

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What Prestashop module do you need?

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Prestashop Module – Security patch Mysql Smarty Caché vulnerability

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Module Prestashop – Miravia Integration

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EU Cookie Law GDPR (Banner + Blocker) – Update 2024 – Google Consent Mode V2 &

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Prestashop Module – Google Analytics 4

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Google Tag Manager + Google Analytics 4 – PRO – GTM Module

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301, 302, 303 URL Redirects and 404 – SEO – Prestashop Module

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Store Reviews + Product Reviews + Google Rich Snippets – Prestashop Module

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Canonical SEO URLs + Google Hreflang Pro – Prestashop Module

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Prestashop Module – Expert reviews on product sheets (E-A-T)

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Sorting Out Products by Category – Prestashop Module

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Multilingual and Multistore Sitemap Pro – SEO Module

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Prestashop Module – PayPal with fee or with discount

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Prestashop modules – Google Reviews and Ratings

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Prestashop Module – Redsys Virtual POS – Card payment + Bizum

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Prestashop Module – Whatsapp Chat and Orders

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Login as customer Prestashop Module

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Module AliExpress Prestashop v1.6 and v1.7

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Prestashop Module – Image Optimizer Premium and Webp converter

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Free Shipping by Zone, Carrier, Price and Weight Module

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Fast Access to Order Details – Prestashop Module

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Moving and Assigning Products between Categories Module

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Regenerate Thumbnails / Images – Prestashop Module

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Ban & Block Bots based on IP, Country or User-Agent – Prestashop Module

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Dropshipping – Emails to Suppliers and Carriers – Prestashop Module

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Moving / Scrolling Text Banner for Header – Prestashop Module

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Changing Order Status Directly from the Order List Module

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Image Compress Optimization – Improve your Speed – Module Prestashop

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Frequently Asked Questions about Products – FAQ – Prestashop Module

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reCaptcha on Register and Contact Form – Anti Spam Protection Module

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Empty Cart button – Remove products from the cart Module

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Advanced Client Group Management – Bulk edit Module

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Module Save your carts and send them via e-mail – Prestashop

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Custom attributes combination for each category – Prestashop Module

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Prestashop Module – Trengo

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PACK Prestashop – Payment methods – 2 Modules

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PACK SEO – Improve your Website Indexation – 3 Prestashop Modules

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PACK Essential – Our Must-Have – 3 Prestashop Modules

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PACK Prestashop RGPD, Cookies and Improves Security ReCaptcha – 3 Modules

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PHPUnit vulnerability checker – Prestashop Module 1.6 y 1.7

Can't find your module?

If you need special functionalities for your Prestashop and you can’t find any module that can do it, we can develop it for you. Ask us for a no obligation quote.

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