Google Ads Agency

How we work with Google Ads campaigns

At Línea Gráfica, thanks to years of experience and our highly qualified team, we have developed a workflow that allows us to achieve the best results in the most optimal way, without losing focus on the needs of the shop. Each shop is different, so we want to provide customised solutions for each of our customers. How do we do it?

Auditoria de marketing digital para ecommerce

Analysis and current status

The first step is always to know where we are starting from. That is why we carry out an in-depth analysis of the needs of the website and its current state. Based on this, we help clients to establish the objectives of the Google Ads campaign and recommend the most optimal budget to achieve them.

Auditoria marketing digital para ecommerce

Keyword Research

We carry out a keyword study using advanced tools such as SEMRush or Google Ads' own Keyword Planner. We analyse the results according to the number of searches, their cost and their intentionality and we choose the keywords that best adapt to the established objectives and that will provide the highest ROI.

Auditoria de marketing digital ecommerce

Set Up Campaign and Analytics

Based on the previous analysis, we set up the account, giving it the most appropriate structure for each client. Subsequently, we configure the campaign according to the budget, target audience and objectives. We also carry out A/B tests on the campaigns to achieve the best possible results.

Auditoria marketing digital ecommerce

Continuous Improvement

Once the campaign is up and running, we continuously monitor it to adjust the budget and keywords according to the results. This way we make sure that the campaign is always working correctly.

Auditoria de marketing digital para tienda online

Analytics and Measurement

We will send you the reports of the campaigns carried out so that you are always aware of their results. You will know the traffic obtained thanks to Google Ads campaigns, the conversion rate, the number of new users, the ROI, and much more. This will not only give you information about its performance, but will also allow us to know points of improvement for future campaigns.

Auditoria marketing digital para tienda online

Focus on ROI

Our main objective is not to attract more traffic to your website, but to ensure that it is of high quality. That's why we are committed to improving the ROI of your campaigns so that the investment you make is translated into revenue.


sello partner google premier 2 - Google Ads Campaigns

Our marketing team has the highest distinction in campaign management and optimisation for Google Ads.

sello partner meta 2 - Google Ads Campaigns

We help you create, manage and optimise your social media campaigns.

sello partner connectif elite - Google Ads Campaigns

Offer your customers personalised shopping experiences based on their behaviour in order to increase sales.

sello partner amazon ok - Google Ads Campaigns

As an Amazon Ads partner we create and manage your campaigns. In addition, we help you to integrate your online shop with Amazon.

sello partner shopify plus 2 - Google Ads Campaigns

We are one of a few agencies certified in Shopify's Plus Partner programme in Spain. Offering the maximun guarantees on the leading ecommerce platform.

sello partner bigcommerce 1 - Google Ads Campaigns

At Línea Gráfica we are one of the few companies in Spain certified in the BigCommerce solution.

- Google Ads Campaigns

We are the leading agency in Spain with this certification. The highest existing level in PrestaShop web agency certifications.

sello partner trustedshops - Google Ads Campaigns

The most secure rating system for customers and ecommerce in the market, a sure bet!


What are PPC campaigns?

PPC campaigns, or Pay Per Click, are the modality of advertising in Google Ads more común. This involves paying a fixed or auctioned amount of money for each click that a user makes on the advert. The objective is that this user performs a certain action on our website, such as making a purchase, downloading a document or filling in the contact form.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is one of the essential tools in the world of marketing. digital marketing. It allows you to place an advertisement that directs to your website, and in this way increase the traffic and number of users. It has two modalities: Search Network where the ad appears in the Google search engine when users make queries; and Display Network where ads appear on affiliated websites. Having a well-thought-out Google Ads strategy and complementing it with the SEO, will help us to get the best results and boost our sales.

How does Google Ads work?

When creating a Google Ads campaign, we can define the settings, such as the location of the ad, the budget, fine-tune our target audience, schedule times and days, and much more. But just filling in the fields does not ensure the success of the campaign. Google constantly analyses the ranking of the ad to show users quality content and what they are really interested in. Therefore, it is advisable that campaigns are carried out by an expert.

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