Email Marketing Agency

Newsletter Design and Management

Whether in an ecommerce or a web, it is necessary to keep your subscribers informed of the latest news, offers, new products, or services, etc. Therefore, at Línea Gráfica, we take care of the management, design, and delivery of your Newsletter to attract qualified traffic to your website, that is, the one capable of carrying out conversions. In addition, we will monitor each campaign so that you have available all the information about the percentage of opens, clicks, and leads obtained.


Newsletter Design

Our multidisciplinary team of designers and Marketing experts will design the most appropriate templates to achieve the objectives. For it:


Newsletter Sending

Once the designs are approved by the client, we proceed to make the shipments following a marked strategy.


Analysis of results

After the completion of the sending campaign, we will present a report with the campaign results. Where the customer can find:

Why Email Marketing?

infografia email mk - Email Marketing


sello partner google premier 2 - Email Marketing

Our marketing team has the highest distinction in campaign management and optimisation for Google Ads.

sello partner meta 2 - Email Marketing

We help you create, manage and optimise your social media campaigns.

sello partner connectif elite - Email Marketing

Offer your customers personalised shopping experiences based on their behaviour in order to increase sales.

sello partner amazon ok - Email Marketing

As an Amazon Ads partner we create and manage your campaigns. In addition, we help you to integrate your online shop with Amazon.

sello partner shopify plus 2 - Email Marketing

We are one of a few agencies certified in Shopify's Plus Partner programme in Spain. Offering the maximun guarantees on the leading ecommerce platform.

sello partner bigcommerce 1 - Email Marketing

At Línea Gráfica we are one of the few companies in Spain certified in the BigCommerce solution.

- Email Marketing

We are the leading agency in Spain with this certification. The highest existing level in PrestaShop web agency certifications.

sello partner trustedshops - Email Marketing

The most secure rating system for customers and ecommerce in the market, a sure bet!


What is email marketing?

Email marketing is based on sending emails. The aim is to achieve several objectives with these messages, such as: acquiring new customers, continuing the relationship with current customers, creating links, interacting with contacts, increasing the number of sales, building trust, etc. At Línea Gráfica we are experts in email marketing. We take care of the management, design and sending of your newsletter to attract qualified traffic to your website. Contact us!

How to implement email marketing?

Email marketing is a task that requires dedication. It is not only based on management, design and sending. It is also very important to monitor each campaign to get all the information about the percentage of openings, clicks and leads achieved. At Línea Gráfica we take care of everything related to email marketing to help you sell more.

What are the advantages of email marketing?

Email marketing brings many advantages to businesses. It is the most effective way to communicate and connect with your customers. In addition, it is able to retain your customers by sending offers, coupons or calls to action. You will be able to increase your ROI through segmented campaigns to a target audience based on their purchase history or behaviour in your ecommerce. At Línea Gráfica we are an agency specialised in email marketing, shall we start working together?

Which platform do we use for email marketing?

At Línea Gráfica we work with Connectif for the automation of email marketing. Not only does it allow us to design and send the messages, but it also provides us with a detailed report of all the campaign information. This way we can see how they are working in real time and be able to optimize them.

PrestaShop Expert

We are the highest ranked PrestaShop certified agency. All our developers are certified on this platform, which guarantees the success of your project. Rely on a 100% qualified agency.

- Email Marketing

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