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We are your PPC Agency

More clients. More sales. How? With our PPC campaigns. We become part of your team to increase your conversions through pay-per-click campaigns.

Take the leap! Grow and increase your revenue thanks to our PPC campaigns!

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And what PPC
(Pay Per Click) services do we offer you?

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Google Ads

In 2020, 90% of searches in Spain were conducted on Google. This data demonstrates that the search engine is the perfect gateway for customers who are looking for your products or services.

Appearing in the top positions is possible, even if you’ve just entered the online world. How? Through PPC campaigns on Google Ads.

We understand that the competition is strong. That’s why it’s essential for your team to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, have extensive experience in resolving issues, and optimizing results.

At Línea Gráfica, we are a Google Partner Premium, which means we are one of the top companies in Spain in managing Google Ads and have surpassed the rigorous requirements to become platform partners.

Social Ads

At Línea Gráfica, we specialize in finding your target audience on social media and creating impactful campaigns for those audiences. It’s not just about knowing they are there, but also knowing how to grab their attention and drive them to your website.

Furthermore, we are a Meta Business Partner Agency, an accreditation achieved only by the top agencies. Thanks to our expertise in the platform, our advanced strategies, and the results of our campaigns, we have earned Meta’s trust to be part of this exclusive network of partners.

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Programmatic Advertising

Cutting-edge technology, highly targeted campaigns, and valuable results. Programmatic advertising is an effective PPC strategy to reach your potential customers.

How do we achieve it? We harness the power of Big Data and Real Bidding tools, allowing us to purchase premium ad spaces in real-time. The goal is to ensure that your ads appear in the advertising spaces where your audience is present at that very moment.

Amazon Ads

Can you imagine reaching customers worldwide? We make it a reality! We are an agency specialized in managing and creating PPC campaigns on Amazon through Amazon Advertising. We put your products within the reach of millions of users, promoting and highlighting them above your competition. It may seem like magic, but it’s not.

And all of this comes with a distinctive guarantee: At Línea Gráfica, we are partners of Amazon Ads. What does this mean? Firstly, it means that Amazon recognizes our expertise on the platform, and secondly, it means that they provide us with tools, resources, and exclusive support for being partners. And as our client, you benefit from these advantages. Sell on a large scale thanks to our Amazon Ads service!

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To optimize campaigns and provide you with extra visibility, we implement remarketing strategies that re-engage users who have interacted with your ads or visited your website and are therefore interested. The goal is to show them your products again, position ourselves in their top of mind, and ultimately drive conversions.

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PPC campaign managers for…

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Increase your sales

Generate qualified traffic

Boost your online visibility

Increase the number of customers

Optimally impact through automation

Remarketing to interested users

Leaping internationalisation? We are PPC Global Agency

If your goal is to expand your business globally, we can help you reach new markets through PPC. We are experts in creating ads that cater to the specific needs of each country to attract their target audience.

We increase your visibility on search engines and social media through international PPC campaigns. Expand your horizons and start selling globally!

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You need a PPC agency if...

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If you don’t want to waste time and are looking for PPC experts to help you define your goals and campaigns, you’ve come to the right place.

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You want to have a specialized agency by your side, with proven knowledge and expertise in campaigns for e-commerce businesses like yours.

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You desire a highly skilled team by your side to strategically assist you in maximizing the profitability of your campaigns.

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You would like to receive a detailed analysis of the results of your campaigns in order to assess their performance and identify opportunities for improvement.

If that the case...It's a match!
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The best agency for Marketing and PPC


Google Partner Premier 2023

We have demonstrated to Google that we excel in this field, as we are Google Partner Premier 2023. Only 3% of companies have achieved this badge. And why us? Because of the success and positive ROI of our clients’ campaigns.


Meta and Amazon Partners

We are not beginners. And Meta and Amazon, the platforms that offer the greatest sales opportunities, know and recognize the technical and strategic quality of our team. Now it’s just a matter of you experiencing it for yourself.


Over 15 years in the e-commerce industry

The experience we bring is crucial to help you grow. We have been working with companies like yours for years, so we offer you our extensive experience and knowledge to support your success.


Analysts and honest

We audit your project and advise you on which platform to advertise on in order to achieve your goals and scale them.


We focus on your profitability and return on investment (ROI)

We are goal-oriented. Our mission is to help you achieve a positive ROI and a favorable return on investment.


Multidisciplinary professionals

We master the art of PPC, and no advertising platform is a challenge for us: Amazon Ads, Google Ads, Social Ads, Programmatic… We know them inside out!

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Our marketing team has the highest distinction in campaign management and optimisation for Google Ads.

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We help you create, manage and optimise your social media campaigns.

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Offer your customers personalised shopping experiences based on their behaviour in order to increase sales.

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As an Amazon Ads partner we create and manage your campaigns. In addition, we help you to integrate your online shop with Amazon.

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We are one of a few agencies certified in Shopify's Plus Partner programme in Spain. Offering the maximun guarantees on the leading ecommerce platform.

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At Línea Gráfica we are one of the few companies in Spain certified in the BigCommerce solution.

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We are the leading agency in Spain with this certification. The highest existing level in PrestaShop web agency certifications.

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The most secure rating system for customers and ecommerce in the market, a sure bet!

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Our pride, the satisfaction of our customers

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Today is the day

Don’t delay it any longer! Take the first step today and start growing with our PPC campaigns.

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about our agency and PPC service

What is a PPC agency?

A PPC (Pay-Per-Click) agency is a company specialized in managing online advertising campaigns through PPC advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Amazon Ads, among others. At Línea Gráfica, as a PPC agency, our main goal is to help our clients maximize their return on investment and achieve effective results through paid advertising.

How is the budget for a PPC campaign determined?

The budget for a PPC campaign is determined based on various factors, including the type of campaign, the size of the audience, the level of competition in the market, and the client's business goals. In our digital marketing and PPC agency, we work with each client to determine an appropriate budget for their specific needs. This includes a thorough evaluation of the market and competition, as well as an assessment of business goals and expected return on investment.

What tracking and analysis measures are used to measure the success of a PPC campaign?

We use data tracking and analysis tools to measure the success of a PPC campaign. This includes tracking impressions, clicks, conversion rate, cost per click, and return on investment, among other indicators. Additionally, we perform keyword analysis and audience segmentation to ensure that the campaigns are targeted to the right audience and achieving optimal results. We use these data to make real-time adjustments and improve the effectiveness of the campaigns.