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creating successful digital connections
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Our digital marketing is revolutionary

sep verde - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

We revolutionise ecommerce wherever we go with our ecommerce agency.

We are specialists in integrated solutions, ERP management software, CRM, Digital Marketing and Hosting.

Secrets of our digital magic:
a process of great ingenuity and creativity

ico anv inicial - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Early stage

Reception of the project

pic proc rev 1 - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

We receive our client's project and organise meetings to understand their objectives and requirements.

We listen carefully to align our strategies with your expectations.

ico anv analisis - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Analysis phase

SWOT and creativity

pic proc rev 2 - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Our team of digital marketing experts carries out an exhaustive analysis of the market and the competition.

We create a personalised and effective project that is perfectly adapted to the client's needs.

ico anv entrega - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Delivery phase

Delivery and assessment

pic proc rev 3 - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

After intensive work and careful execution, we delivered the finished project to our client.

Our team is available to provide ongoing support to ensure the success of the campaign.

& commanders

Today we are a national leader in ecommerce.

When big companies endorse us, it must be because we do it well, don’t you think?

sello partner google premier 2 - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
sello partner amazon ok - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
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- Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
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sello partner connectif elite - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Satisfied customers,
synonymous with a job well done

comillas arriba - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
pic opinion logo puroego - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
estrellas - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Highly recommended!

We had been changing agencies for a long time until we came across Línea Gráfica on a direct recommendation.

They are great professionals who listen and advise their clients in a professional and above all rational way.

Pilar Martín – Ecommerce Manager of Puro Ego

pic opinion logo seenaowell - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
estrellas - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

They have a very professional, friendly and proactive team.

They are there whenever you need them. They also offer a wide range of services to help you with your e-commerce.

Francisco Ochoa – CEO of Seena Owell

pic opinion logo dietisur - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
estrellas - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Super professional and proactive marketing team. Something that is hard to find.

Many times we have so many things that we don’t know where to go, the Línea Grafica team is able to guide us and solve our needs with autonomy. Said and done.

Said Jimenez – Business Development Manager of Dietisur

comillas abajo - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Ecommerce experts!

sep blanco - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

If you need to make your company grow and you need a close and professional advice, we are your company!

Leave us your details and ask for a no obligation quote, we will be delighted to help you.

We are digital, that's why our maxim
is telework and work-life balance

Although if you need to locate us on the map, you can find us in the following capitals, where our workers give their all every day.

sep peq azul - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Place of birth and head office of the company.
C. Astronomía, 1, Torre 1, 10th floor, 41015 Sevilla.

sep peq azul - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Paseo de las Delicias, 30. 2nd floor – 28045, Madrid.

sep peq azul - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Travessera de Gràcia, 56, 08006, Barcelona.

mapa puntos - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
mapa trazo - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
comillas izq - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce
"The success of our company lies 100% in our employees. Our great success is to have hired them".
Fernando Criado - CEO
comillas der - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

Frequently asked questions
that we can solve for you right now

faq arrow - Ecommerce Agency | Shopify Plus Partner - Prestashop & Bigcommerce

What sets us apart from other agencies?

At Línea Gráfica we have more than 15 years of experience in the ecommerce sector, with more than 500 projects completed and specialised in different sectors such as Digital Marketing, ecommerce consultancy and development, professional hosting, Prestashop module developers, and much more. We are an agency focused on results, always looking to offer our clients tangible and measurable results. In addition, we have a multidisciplinary team highly qualified to boost your project and motivated to constantly improve.

Proof of our experience and dedication is that we are partners of the world's leading ecommerce platform, Shopify. As a Shopify Plus Agency we take care of everything you need from start to finish. However, we are also Prestashop ecommerce developers and Prestashop module developers. Contact us to find out what we can do to take your ecommerce to the next level.

Can we guarantee results?

If we were to promise you specific results, we would be being unrealistic. What we can assure you, however, is that we are fully committed to achieving your goals and objectives. At all times, we will maintain constant communication with you and your team through a project management platform. We have experts in different ecommerce platforms, such as Shopify o Prestashop, among others. In addition, you can be confident that every service you contract with us will be backed by the highest quality standards.

Why choose a certified agency?

If you need an agency to work on your project, it is vital that they have certifications that endorse their experience and work. Since you will have a specialised team with knowledge in different areas, this can translate into a job well done and more effective strategies for your ecommerce.

At Línea Gráfica we have more than 20 certifications that endorse our expertise. We are a certified agency in ecommerce, marketing and hosting.

We have the highest distinction as Google Partner Premium and Meta Business Partner, which allows us to offer optimal PPC services. We are endorsed by certifications in different ecommerce platforms, such as Shopify Plus Partner, BigCommerce Partner and PrestaShop Expert. We are also Data First Connectif Partner, Connectif Prime Partner and Klaviyo Partners, which allows us to offer top quality marketing automation services, among other certifications. Choosing a certified agency is a strategic decision that can make the difference in the success of your project.

What services do you need for your ecommerce?

In doubt about which services you need? At Línea Gráfica, as specialists in e-commerce, we can provide you with a ecommerc consultancy and digital marketing audit to your project in order to provide you with a solution tailored to your needs.

Depending on your objectives and needs, your project can be developed with Shopify or Prestashop. And also, depending on the state of your project, we can offer you digital marketing services such as SEO positioning, marketing automation, PPC campaigns... Likewise, we will guide you if you need a marketplaces service  or even the creation of an app to help you reach more customers. At Línea Gráfica we boost your online shop whatever your requirements are!

¿Do we work with ecommerce platforms? 

At Línea Gráfica we work with different e-commerce platforms, as we seek to offer solutions adapted to the needs of each project. These platforms include:

First of all, we work closely with Shopify, as we are Shopify Partner Plus. We are also partners of BigCommerce, which means that we have a deep knowledge of this platform. In addition, we have experience and expertise in Prestashop, backed by our status as Prestashop Expert. In short, whatever you choose, we're here to help. Whether you opt for Shopify, Prestashop or BigCommerce, we have the experience and expertise to provide you with effective, customised solutions. Your success in the world of e-commerce is our priority, and we are committed to working closely with you to achieve your goals and objectives.