logo scotta horiz - Caso Éxito - Scotta 1985
pic ppal scotta - Caso Éxito - Scotta 1985

Scotta1985 is a brand dedicated to men’s fashion that stands out for its unique style and the quality of its products.

However, despite the popularity of its items, the company was looking to improve customer retention and loyalty as well as work omnichannel to increase repeat purchases and loyalty of its physical and online user base.

flecha verde big izq - Caso Éxito - Scotta 1985
flecha gris small der - Caso Éxito - Scotta 1985
deco comillas - Caso Éxito - Scotta 1985

Thanks to our daily work with Scotta1985, we have been able to deploy a more solid marketing automation strategy. As a result we have achieved a boost in interaction across different channels, to maximize the performance of each contact, and unifying all data on a single platform.

Jose Antonio Borja Ferrari

Marketing Manager

ilu mujer codos - Caso Éxito - Scotta 1985

The challenge

The challenge was twofold. Then, to improve Scotta 1985’s customer retention and loyalty in a highly competitive online men’s fashion market. On the other hand, to implement an omnichannel strategy that would ensure a seamless and consistent experience for customers, regardless of the channel they chose to interact with the brand. Specifically, it was necessary to address the high percentage of abandoned shopping carts and expand the subscriber database for future marketing actions.

– Improve interaction rate with Abandoned Carts

– Encourage Repeat Purchase with Visit / No Purchase

– Enhance physical and online omni-channel with SMS Marketing

arrow verde reto - Caso Éxito - Scotta 1985

Our work

At Linea Grafica, we set out to help Scotta 1985 overcome these challenges through marketing automation and omnichannel marketing. We implemented an automated marketing strategy that enabled an integrated and consistent communication approach across all channels.

Our efforts focused on two main areas: abandoned cart recovery and subscriber database growth. We implemented automated emails that reminded customers of their unpurchased products and offered personalized incentives to complete the purchase, ensuring that this message was disseminated consistently across all communication channels.

To grow the subscriber base, we designed omnichannel subscription campaigns that delivered engaging and consistent experiences, regardless of the interaction channel. Through these efforts, we achieved a significant increase in customer retention and loyalty, a decrease in abandoned shopping carts, and sustainable growth of the subscriber database.

And what did we get?

The automation and omnichannel marketing strategy implemented by Línea Gráfica for Scotta 1985 resulted in:

– A significant improvement in the abandoned cart interaction rate (+3.5% OR).

– A solid and steady growth in the subscriber database, expanding opportunities for future marketing campaigns (+74% BBDD).

Increased customer retention and loyalty, increasing customer lifetime value and marketing ROI.

Consistent and personalized shopping experience across all channels, strengthening brand perception and improving customer satisfaction.

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Discover the power of customer loyalty

Are you facing similar challenges to Scotta 1985 in your business? Do you want to improve customer retention and loyalty and provide a seamless and consistent omnichannel shopping experience? At Linea Grafica, we have the experience and solutions you need – contact us today to learn more about how our marketing automation services and omnichannel strategies can benefit your business!

pic fidelizacion - Caso Éxito - Scotta 1985


OR Abandoned Carts
Visitor Recovery No Purchase
SMS Marketing subscribers