Multi-Language and Multi-Store Sitemaps Pro Module – SEO

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Generate sitemaps for all URLs in your store automatically (cron), in all the languages of your store, for all stores (multi-stores) and including product, category and manufacturer images . More info


Prestashop - 8.2



Developed by

Linea Gráfica

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Official module verified by Prestashop
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  • Creating sitemaps for all your pages (products, categories, CMS and manufacturers)
  • Very easy to set up
  • Very easy to generate sitemaps (no server overhead)
  • Creating sitemaps for all your stores (multi-store)
  • URLs in all languages ​​of your store (multi-language store)
  • Indexing product, category and manufacturer images within sitemaps
  • Sitemaps based on official Google guidelines
  • Creating a sitemap index to submit all your sitemaps at once
  • Automatically shorten long sitemaps
  • Automated creation of sitemaps via Cron

Advantages for your clients

This essential SEO tool allows you to send all your stores' URLs to Google and other search engines for optimal visibility.

The Multi-Language and Multi-Store Sitemap Generator module allows you to index all product, category and manufacturer pages and images of your stores (multi-store system) in all their languages ​​(multi-language store) in one click.

In this way, sitemaps will allow users to find your store in search engines, both in the general search tool and in image search.

The multi-language and multi-store features of our module are a real advantage that will allow users of different nationalities and with different needs to find your stores.

Advantages for you

  • Multi-store sitemaps

This module is compatible with PrestaShop single-store and multi-store systems. The module automatically detects all your stores and allows you to generate sitemaps for each of them. In addition, the module generates different sitemaps per store, each store has its own 4 sitemaps (Products, Categories, CMS and Manufacturers).

  • Multi-language sitemaps

Our module allows you to create sitemaps in all languages ​​of your store so you can easily position your store in different languages. For each type of page (products, categories, CMS and manufacturers), the module generates only one sitemap that groups the URLs in all languages, as recommended by Google. The generated sitemaps are based on official Google guidelines to ensure the best web positioning.

  • Indexing images

Another feature of the module is that it allows you to include product, category and manufacturer images in sitemaps so that Google can index them. It allows your website to be visible and accessible from Google image search, which allows you to increase the overall visibility of your store.

  • Sitemaps Index

The module automatically creates a sitemap index to simplify the management of your sitemaps, as recommended by Google. The index contains the urls of all your sitemaps, just type the sitemap index url in Google Webmaster Tools to upload your sitemaps all at once.

  • Automatically shorten long sitemaps

Our module is able to generate sitemaps for any catalog size. Google only accepts sitemaps that are less than 10MB or 50,000 URLs, so our module automatically breaks long sitemaps into several files so you don't have any problems with Google.

  • Automated creation (Cron)

You will find inside the module a Cron URL that allows you to generate all your sitemaps automatically and regularly without having to touch anything. Just copy and paste this URL inside a Cron module or in your hosting panel to run these tasks automatically and regularly.

4 types of sitemaps

Our module is 100% automated and allows you to create 4 types of sitemaps:

  • A sitemap that groups the URLs of all your pagesProducts
  • A sitemap that groups the URLs of all your pagesCategories
  • A sitemap that groups the URLs of all your pagesCMS
  • A sitemap that groups the URLs of all your pagesManufacturers

Very easy to configure sitemaps

Set up each sitemap independently.

  • Choose the type (product, category, CMS or manufacturer)
  • Choose the store (multi-store)
  • Choose the indexing priority of the sitemap URLs from 0.1 to 1.0 relative to the URLs in your other sitemaps ("priority" tag)
  • Indicates the frequency (daily/weekly/monthly/yearly) at which changes typically occur on the pages contained within the sitemap ("changefreq" tag)
  • Choose whether or not to include product, category and manufacturer images within the sitemap
  • Choose whether or not to automatically inform the search engines Google, Bing and Ask of the creation of the sitemap (ping query)

Very easy to generate sitemaps

Click the “Generate” button and the sitemaps will be generated without server overload or timeout issues. Perfect for large, medium and small product catalogs.

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