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Easy Mobel, an ecommerce furniture retailer, has stood out in the market for its diverse selection, exceptional quality and ultra-competitive pricing. However, recognizing the increasing demands of the digital world, Easy Mobel identified the need to migrate its ecommerce technology to Shopify Plus to improve performance, user experience and marketing versatility.

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Our client, Easy Mobel, faced a major challenge: they needed to make a complete change of their ecommerce to a more robust and scalable solution. This not only implied a technological transition, but also maintaining business continuity without disrupting the customer experience. In addition, it was not just about changing the platform, but enhancing it, improving the user experience, optimizing site performance and expanding the marketing capabilities of the ecommerce. The challenge was big, but thanks to the choice of Shopify Plus as the ecommerce platform, I believe we achieved what we set out to do in record time.

Carlos Lucas

Marketing Director, Linea Grafica

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The challenge

The main challenge for Easy Mobel was to completely migrate their ecommerce platform to Shopify Plus without disrupting the sales flow and customer experience. Moreover, they were looking to improve the user experience, page performance and ecommerce capabilities to enhance their marketing efforts.


  • Improve the user experience.
  • Upgrade the ecommerce design layer.
  • Migrate Shopify Plus technology.
  • Increase SEO performance.
  • Increase Paid Media campaign performance.
  • Improve brand awareness and brand stickiness.
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Our work

At Linea Grafica, we took on the challenge and set out to help Easy Mobel make a smooth transition to Shopify Plus. Our development team worked closely with Easy Mobel to plan and execute the migration, ensuring a seamless transition for customers and the Easy Mobel team.

We worked on a complete redesign of the ecommerce ‘look&feel’ to improve project awareness, optimize user experience, improve platform performance and provide a robust foundation for marketing efforts. This included improving site navigation, optimizing page speed and configuring marketing functionalities such as customer segmentation and personalization through marketing automation tools.

And what did we achieve?

Thanks to our work with Easy Mobel, we have achieved:

  • A successful migration to Shopify Plus with no disruption to sales flow or customer experience.
  • Significant improvement in user experience and site performance, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • An online store design much more in line with the size of the business, reflecting its identity and improving its presence significantly.
  • Greater versatility in the ecommerce platform which strengthens Easy Mobel’s digital marketing capabilities, allowing them to better segment and personalize their offerings for customers.
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Take the leap to Shopify Plus

Need to migrate your ecommerce to a more powerful platform like Shopify Plus? Looking to improve the user experience and performance of your site? At Linea Grafica, we can help you do just that. Contact us today to learn more about our Shopify and Shopify Plus development services.


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