What is Retargeting?

¿Qué es el Retargeting?
If you hear a lot about retargeting and want to incorporate this technique into your company's marketing strategy , we'll explain what this highly effective action consists of. Retargeting, in a nutshell, is a mechanism in which we re- impact with ads all those who have interacted with our brand but have not made any transaction. The purpose of this action is to reconnect with users so that they keep your brand in mind when making their future purchase.

Sounds good, but how does remarketing work?

Now comes the interesting part. How it works . We're getting into the nitty-gritty. If you've never done remarketing, you'll probably want to have all the information you need to get started and get more sales. Don't worry, we'll explain how it works and the channels you can use to do remarketing. The first thing we should tell you is that remarketing works through ads. And if we think about it, it has surely happened to you more than once that you have visited a website and… you see that brand everywhere! Well, that is Retargeting . These ads make your brand visible again in front of your potential customers, generating higher click-through rates and conversion figures than any other type of online ad. A real wonder for improving your ROI !

Retargeting ads step by step

The first thing you need to do is install a tracking code or tag that will serve as a connector between the website and the platform you choose (we'll give you more details later) Once you have installed this code, when users leave your website, they will be able to see ads from your brand or from what they had previously visited. To do this, you must also activate the ads on the channel of your choice (Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, automation tool, etc.)

Difference between remarketing and retargeting

If you often get confused about remarketing and retargeting , don't worry, it's quite normal! They are terms that sound quite similar, however, conceptually they are different. We tell you, remarketing refers to when a company uses your data to get back in touch with you in order to impact you with a message about its brand. It is common to do remarketing when, for example, you participate in a raffle by leaving your data and, later, you receive an email with a promotion or message related to the raffle. However, retargeting uses the code or tags that you have configured on your website and uses the user's browsing information to subsequently send personalized messages on all types of websites or social networks in order to redirect them back to the site.

How to run a retargeting campaign?

Facebook and Instagram Ads

Facebook and Instagram are one of the kings of retargeting. To be able to do this, you first need to have the Facebook pixel code installed on your website as well as the remarketing code, both of which you will find in your Business Manager . These codes must be installed in the head of your website. Next, you need to create a custom audience list, choosing “custom audience from website traffic” Once this is done, you need to choose how many users you want to include in this retargeting list. By default, you will see 100 users checked. This number may be a bit short, we recommend that you increase the number of users in order to have a sufficiently powerful mass of visitors for your retargeting to be effective. Another step you need to take is, once you have your list of users ready, to start creating the campaign. To do this, you must select create and choose the audience you have created. In addition, you must fill in the time and budget of the campaign as well as import the image and copy of your ad. One of the tricks is to use very persuasive copies and eye-catching images. You must impact , surprise and try to get the user who sees your ad to click on it . Therefore, you must put effort into the copy and design if you want users to choose your brand over other advertising messages from other companies that they can see throughout the day. As an extra piece of information, we'll tell you a trick that we often use as a social media advertising agency . You can launch an A/B test in which you put different ads to see which one performs best. This way, you'll be sure to optimize your budget and you'll learn more about what attracts the attention of your potential customers.

Google Ads

Google Ads is another tool where you can do retargeting. To do this, you also need to install the code in the head of your site . If you work with Google Tag Manager , this will be easier for you. Once this code is up and running, the tool will collect very detailed information about your website visitors, such as which products they have visited. As with FB and IG , you will also need to create a list of users in Google Ads . To do this, you must select “create new audience” in the tool and select a use case. For example, users who have visited a URL on our website . Once you have this, you must create a campaign and select the list of users you are going to use (The one you just created) An important decision when creating your campaign is whether you want a display or search retargeting ad. You can actually test both to make sure you find what works best for your business. Likewise, you can also launch different variants of your ads to be able to do an A/B test.

Email Marketing

Email marketing gives us great opportunities to persuade those who have interacted with our brand. As in the previous cases, you will also need to install a code or module of the tool to be able to carry it out. Once you have completed the configuration, you can get to work! Email marketing offers endless possibilities for retargeting. Thanks to its effectiveness, you can get the most out of your newsletter by sending visited products or personalized recommendations based on user interaction.

Capture “lost visitors” with Dynamic Retargeting

Dynamic retargeting is a type of ad that matches exactly the product or service that users have visited. It is a strategy that, as it is completely personalized, is usually very effective. We are in an era in which each user is unique, so it is best not to waste impressions thinking that a generic ad can impact everyone. Therefore, with the 3 tools we mentioned above, you can create dynamic retargeting ads in real time with ads that fit the interests of each consumer.

5 keys to improve conversions in your retargeting campaigns

You need to target the right audience. One of the most important things to remember is that retargeting pays off when the audience is right. This means you'll likely need to create segments based on the content your users feel most connected to.

Offer your clients a good Landing Page

Landing pages… Those great forgotten ones. There are many companies that focus so much on strategy that they completely forget that a well-structured landing page , with persuasive copy and a conversion-oriented design, is just as important as a good retargeting strategy. Therefore, the landing page must be aligned with the message and the objective you have set in the campaign. For example, it is not very logical to create ads for sneakers and have the landing page lead us to the pants category. If you need to take a look at your landing pages, we can help you from our service as a CRO agency.

Create persuasive messages and attractive designs

Please work very carefully on the textual and visual communication of your campaigns . A good image is essential for customers to choose you! If they see an outdated image, we assure you that they will choose another competing brand. Therefore, it is important to choose the right image, in line with your brand values ​​and trends. And you can also change the copy or the visual so that users do not get bored of always seeing the same thing. In these cases…Strategy and creativity are the key!

Don't overwhelm your audience

Now that you know you need to create an appropriate segment, that you have worked on your message, your designs and your landing page… Don’t make the mistake of saturating your audience! This will lead to the opposite of what you were looking for. For this reason, we recommend that you set control filters so that your ad appears only a certain number of times and has a certain duration. Do everything wisely! And don't be guided by the desire to re-impact as many times as possible.

Patience, analyze and make appropriate decisions

Most retargeting campaigns need at least a few days to test. Impatience is one of the biggest enemies of retargeting. Success depends on many factors, one of which is time. Data must be processed and decisions must be made based on it. Many remarketing tools require a certain number of cookies to start working in a “decent” way (Therefore, do not forget about this topic, the famous cookies)

Retargeting examples

Retargeting offers endless possibilities. For example, an effective action within email marketing is the abandoned cart. According to different studies such as this one , the cart abandonment rate is 75%. In order to recover them effectively, retargeting can be an effective solution with which you can also measure your results . Through a well-constructed flow of sending emails after abandonment, you can recover a large percentage of purchases that were left unfinished. But that's not all. If we use automation tools like Connectif , of which we are partners ;) as an email marketing agency , we can expand these possibilities and play with the customization of the flows we build to re-attract that potential client in a more than effective way. If you want more information, don't miss this article about email marketing for e-commerces . Another example within automation is the construction of flows in which we use FB and IG Ads audiences to launch other personalized communication. On the other hand, examples of retargeting in social ads or Google Ads are the appearance of personalized ads after a certain amount of time of visiting the products. These ads, in the case of social ads, will appear on IG or FB, and in the case of Google Ads, on blogs and even digital media. In these cases, remember the benefit of launching A/B tests. As you can see from this article, remarketing is an essential tactic in the world of online advertising given the possibilities it offers. It allows us to focus our efforts much more effectively and try to show the right user the right ad in the right place ? Do you want us to lend you a hand with your retargeting strategy? Send us a contact email and our expert team will get in touch with you. Leave it to us… We will take care of helping you grow!
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