Prestashop Dropshipping Module – Supplier and Carrier Emails

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Automatically send your dropshipping orders to the corresponding suppliers and carriers via emails with customizable content. Más info


Prestashop - 8.2



Developed by

Linea Gráfica

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Official module verified by Prestashop
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Main features

  • Selection of one or more order statuses for which emails should be sent to suppliers/carriers
  • Associating a name and 1 or 2 emails to each supplier/carrier
  • Use of the carrier selected by customers or attribution of a carrier to each supplier
  • Customization of the subject and content of the email for each supplier/carrier
  • 14 variables that allow you to change dropshipping data depending on the order
  • Attach the invoice and/or delivery note to the email for each supplier/carrier
  • Emails with the logo and name of the store
  • Automatic sending of emails
  • Supports multi-store mode

Variables used in emails

  • {CARRIER_NAME} → Carrier contact name
  • {CUSTOMER_ADDRESS} → Delivery address (name, street, postal code, city, region, country)
  • {CUSTOMER_EMAIL} → Customer email
  • {CUSTOMER_NAME} → Customer name
  • {CUSTOMER_PHONE} → Customer phone number(s)
  • {INVOICE_NUMBER} → Invoice number
  • {ORDER_DATE} → Order date
  • {ORDER_ID} → Order ID
  • {ORDER_INFO} → Message written by the customer during the purchase process
  • {ORDER_REF} → Order reference
  • {PRODUCTS} → Products (quantity, name, attributes, product reference, supplier reference, personalization text fields, image, link)
  • {SUPPLIER_ADDRESS} → Supplier address (name, street, postal code, city, region, country)
  • {SUPPLIER_NAME} → Supplier contact name
  • {SUPPLIER_PHONE} → Supplier phone number(s)

Advantages for your clients

Thanks to our module, orders will be automatically sent to the corresponding suppliers and carriers to optimize the order preparation and shipping process as much as possible, allowing customers to receive their orders as soon as possible and increasing their satisfaction with your services.

Advantages for you

Advantages of the module

Automatic sending of emails: Select one or more order statuses within the module that trigger emails to be sent to suppliers (e.g. “Payment accepted”) and one or more order statuses that trigger emails to be sent to carriers (e.g. “Preparation in progress”). Then, simply change the status of your dropshipping orders on your “Orders” page to one of the statuses selected within the module and the emails will be sent automatically.

Suppliers and carriers: The module allows you to send emails to suppliers so they can prepare orders and emails to carriers so they can pick up packages from the corresponding suppliers. Sending emails to carriers is optional, you can use our module only to send orders to suppliers, according to your needs.

The advantages of personalized email: You can choose a different email message and subject for each of your suppliers and carriers. The information required for dropshipping is included directly within the body of the dropshipping email, there is no need to open a csv or pdf file, which allows for faster order management. In addition, the customization of email templates allows communication with suppliers and carriers to be more human, you can for example greet your suppliers/carriers, introduce yourself, explain what you want them to do, give instructions... as well as put each variable wherever you want within the text of the emails.

Numerous variables: The module contains numerous variables (supplier name, carrier name, customer name, order ID, order reference, order date, products in the order, invoice number, message written by the customer, customer address, customer email, customer phone number(s), supplier address and supplier phone number(s)) that you can include in emails so that this information changes automatically in emails sent to suppliers and carriers according to the order.

Selection of carriers: If you disable the "Use the carrier selected by the customers" option, the module will send the email to the carrier selected for each supplier (carrier assigned to each supplier). If you enable the "Use the carrier selected by the customers" option, the module will send the email to the carrier selected by the customers during the purchase process (carrier assigned to the order).

Products from different suppliers: If you disable the "Use the carrier selected by customers" option and associate a carrier with each supplier, when an order contains several products from different suppliers, a different email will be sent to the different suppliers with the corresponding products. For example, if an order contains Apple and LG products, the Apple supplier will receive an email with only the Apple products ordered and LG will receive an email for only the LG products.

Attached documents: You can attach the invoice and/or delivery note (both in PDF format) to the email for each supplier and carrier. Invoices and delivery notes are generated by Prestashop, they are the ones available on your “Orders” page. If you have an order with several suppliers, all the products from the different suppliers will appear on the same invoice and delivery note (1 invoice and 1 delivery note for each order).

Module operation

Inside the module:

1. Choose one or more order statuses that trigger emails to be sent to suppliers (e.g. "Payment accepted") and one or more order statuses that trigger emails to be sent to carriers (e.g. "Preparation in progress").

2. Customize the email for each supplier (email 1, email 2, attached documents, title and content of the email). You can use the variables at your disposal to make the dropshipping information change from one order to another.

3. Choose between using the carrier selected by customers during the checkout process or associating a carrier with each of your suppliers to ensure that only one carrier picks up the package (this has no impact during the checkout process on the carriers displayed or on the calculation of shipping costs)

4. Customize the email for each carrier (email 1, email 2, attached documents, title and content of the email). You can use the variables at your disposal to make the dropshipping information change from one order to another.

On your “Orders” page:

5. Change the order status to one of the statuses selected within the module for sending to suppliers (for example "Payment accepted") and an email will be automatically sent to the corresponding supplier(s) when the status is changed (an email will be automatically sent to suppliers if the new order status corresponds to one of the statuses selected for suppliers within the module).

6. Change the order status to one of the statuses selected within the module for shipping to carriers (e.g. "Preparation in progress") and an email will be automatically sent to the corresponding carrier(s) when the status is changed (an email will be automatically sent to carriers if the new order status corresponds to one of the statuses selected for carriers within the module).

Personalization of emails

Within the module, you can customize a different email text and subject for each supplier and carrier. For each supplier and carrier, type in the text you want and replace the information that changes from one order to another with the following variables:

- {CARRIER_NAME} → Carrier contact name

- {CUSTOMER_ADDRESS} → Delivery address (name, street, postal code, city, region, country)- {CUSTOMER_EMAIL} → Customer email

- {CUSTOMER_NAME} → Customer name- {CUSTOMER_PHONE} → Customer phone number(s)

- {INVOICE_NUMBER} → Invoice number- {ORDER_DATE} → Order date

- {ORDER_ID} → Order ID- {ORDER_INFO} → Message written by the customer during the purchase process

- {ORDER_REF} → Order reference- {PRODUCTS} → Products (quantity, name, attributes, product reference, supplier reference, personalization text fields, image, link)

- {SUPPLIER_ADDRESS} → Supplier address (name, street, postal code, city, region, country)

- {SUPPLIER_NAME} → Supplier contact name

- {SUPPLIER_PHONE} → Supplier phone number(s)

When sending emails, these variables will be automatically replaced with the data corresponding to the order (as you can see in the screenshots).

Additionally, your store's logo and name are automatically added to the header and footer of emails so that suppliers and carriers can easily identify your store.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if an order contains products from multiple suppliers?

If an order contains multiple products from different suppliers, a different email will be sent to the different suppliers with the corresponding products. For example, if an order contains Apple and LG products, the Apple supplier will receive an email with only the Apple products ordered and LG will receive an email for only the LG products. The same applies to carriers if the "Use the carrier selected by customers" option is disabled.

I only want to send emails to suppliers (not emails to carriers), is this possible?

No problem, just use the part for suppliers and leave the part for carriers empty.

What causes emails to be sent?

It is the change in the status of the order (on your “Orders” page) that triggers the sending of emails if it corresponds to one of the statuses selected within the module.

How does the variable system work within emails?

The content of the {} variables is replaced during email sending by the data corresponding to the order. This allows the data required by the dropshipping company to be automatically sent by email, which changes from one order to another.

Do I have to use all the variables?

No, you only use the ones you need.

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