Advanced Customer Group Management Module – Mass Edit

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Manage your store's customer groups in bulk and dynamically. Don't waste any more time and create and edit customer groups using filters quickly and in bulk. You can filter by the age of your customers; by the number of orders placed or the number of orders placed between specific dates; by the country of origin or the city to which they belong. Now you can save time by managing your customer groups in just a few clicks!
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Prestashop - 8.2



Developed by

Linea Gráfica

Free installation
Official module verified by Prestashop
6 months of support and free updates
Extendable to 12 months for only €10
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  • Easy installation
  • Create customer groups by applying rules
  • Reorder customer group membership whenever you want
  • Create a cron job to make customer reordering automatic
  • Delete groups without deleting relationships
  • Free and quality support within 90 days after purchasing the module to help you if you have any problems with the module

Save time managing your customers with our module and focus on your store!

The module allows you to create and edit customer groups by selecting the filters by which you want customers to be grouped.

Once you've created the group, you can dynamically and massively assign customers to that group. You can create as many groups as you want and assign customers to as many as you need.

Thefilters that you can apply to each of the new groupsthat you create in the module are:

  • Age: You can select how old the customer record must be to belong to the new customer group.
  • Number of orders: You can select how many orders the customer must have made to belong to the new customer group.
  • Total amount between dates: You can select the minimum amount between certain dates to belong to the new customer group.
  • Country: You can select the country to which the customer must belong in order to be included in the new customer group. Additionally, you can select the province to which the customer must belong.

As more customers register with your store, you can automatically add them to customer groups. You just need to add the cron URL to your cron job module.

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