5 basic SEO tips to optimize your ecommerce

5 tips básicos de SEO para optimizar su ecommerce

Get the best positioning for your Ecommerce

A good marketing professional must know in advance the importance of the web positioning of a business on the digital network and, above all, the importance of a correct visualization of the page for Google search engines.
  • Know your site thoroughly

To start, you need to be able to navigate your site without any problems, so you can quickly find errors, such as products that are placed in the wrong categories, duplicate pages due to poorly formulated URLs, etc. Apart from knowing the product and your own brand, you must be very clear about its structure and composition.
  • Blockages

If a page does not appear in the list of URLs indexed by search engines, it may be due to different reasons. A very common error has a well-known name: AJAX . So far, although there are various tests that indicate otherwise, search engines are not able to index content that is developed in Ajax. Another error, less common but possible, is the error in the construction of URLs or also the blocking of search robots for certain content, for this you should review the robots.txt file. However, if you don't have a high indexing rate, you should keep in mind: - If you have links in JavaScript, Java or Flash. - If your site is new and you haven't linked enough to internal pages. - If you have many pages and they are not well linked to each other. - Check your sitemap.xml
  • 404 errors

Most eCommerce sites have 404 errors, unlinked products, or categories that have not been properly removed. Typically, if a user requests a page that does not exist, the server returns a 404 error (" Page not found "). This HTTP response code clearly indicates to browsers and search engines that the page does not exist. Consequently, search engines do not crawl or index the content of the page (if any). One way to control 404 errors is through (temporary) 301 redirects. Google says "that with each 301 redirect, approximately 15% of the authority in the destination URL is lost. So limiting the number of times a page redirects to another redirect is possible."
  • Be careful with “Metatitle” and “Metadescriptions”

Optimization is much easier when you can quickly prioritize the areas that need the most help in optimizing your meta. From Google Search Console, you can export the file that shows you the URLs with duplicate meta and process it in Excel. Meta descriptions are very valuable for both positioning and visibility in search engines. Normally, they must contain the term(s) for which you want to rank. In a simple way, we can indicate that it is a summary of the content of the URL we are viewing. It is advisable not to exceed 155 characters. Likewise, we find the metatitle, which is clear and concise information about the content of the website. Just like the metadescription, it should contain relevant terms. It is also advisable not to exceed 67 characters. It is important that there are no duplicates in the “metatitle” and “metadescriptions”, you can also check this from Google SearchConsole .
  • Google Analytics

Implementing Google Analytics is essential to be able to thoroughly analyze our users and therefore improve our site based on their behavior. It is very simple to implement, but sometimes it can cause headaches due to errors in objective configurations or when creating filters. Basic mistakes can cause your e-commerce to fail to rank, resulting in a loss of both users and sales . At Línea Gráfica we know the disadvantages this could cause to your business, and that is why we offer an advisory service and analysis of your website with the aim of appearing above the competition when the user performs a search.
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