What is B2B or Business to Business?

¿Qué es B2B o Business to Business?

What is B2B?

Business to Business , commonly known as B2B, means Commerce to Commerce, and is nothing other than a business model where a company offers its goods or services to another company , and not, as is usual, to consumers. This model brings many advantages, but the company's focus must be clear. We must know that we not only have to satisfy the needs of our direct customers, but also those of the end users.

Differences between B2B and B2C

Another business model that companies operate in is B2C or Business to Consumer . Unlike the B2B model, here the company offers its goods or services directly to consumers. These are the businesses that we encounter in our daily lives: supermarkets, hairdressers, local shops or online stores. By having different types of clients, the way of selling is also going to be different. Whereas in the B2C model we are always hearing about emotional marketing, selling to the heart, and not to the mind, in the B2B model it is the opposite . The main reason for the existence of companies is to make a profit, and here what really counts are the numbers. Consumers often buy things they do not need on impulse, but when companies buy, they do so in much larger quantities , and therefore, they tend to analyze each purchase in great detail, and will choose the one that offers them the best cost-benefit ratio . For these reasons, the language used is also going to be different, since in B2B, the explanation of technical details will be more frequent.

B2B Examples

There are many types of companies that operate as B2B. Some examples are:
  • Marketplace : sites like Amazon or AliExpress that serve as a meeting place between the store and the customer. They are platforms where many companies can offer their goods in competition with each other. They are like digital shopping malls.
  • Web providers : companies that offer web hosting, domain sales, content management, etc.
  • Agencies : companies that provide services to other companies, for example, marketing, web maintenance or advertising.
  • Ecommerce : companies that sell their products wholesale through their websites.

B2B Ecommerce

Nowadays, it is almost unnecessary to remind everyone that a business that is not online is as if it did not exist. And this includes B2B businesses. All, or almost all, companies that do business with other companies have a website, but many use it only as a business card and have not yet taken the step of creating an electronic store where orders could be placed directly, and we sincerely believe that this is a mistake. Below, we explain why.

Advantages of a B2B ecommerce

  • Cost reduction and increased profits: having an online store greatly streamlines the sales process and helps to better manage orders, inventory, prices, etc. All of this lowers costs. In addition, by having an online store, customers will have greater access to us, so our income will also increase. This means lower costs and higher profits, and you don't need to have a great deal of economic knowledge to know that this means: higher profits.
  • Better customer experience : It is no secret that digital purchasing improves the shopping experience. By reducing process time, customers can purchase goods or services more immediately and from anywhere in the world.
  • Entering the international market : If you want to find new markets outside your country, having an online store will help you with this. This way, you can sell your goods or services all over the world, without having to be physically present in the destination country.
  • Better analysis: having an ecommerce platform allows you to have sales statistics automatically and in real time, making analysis of the situation much easier.
As you can see, having an e-commerce site for your B2B business brings many benefits. In addition, with the use of content managers, such as PrestaShop , its use is not difficult at all. If you want to know more about how to create an e-commerce site and how to manage it in the best way, do not hesitate to contact us and we will advise you on what you need.
Katarzyna Stolowska
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