General Parameters of the Carrier

- Carrier Name . Enter the name of the carrier you want to create. If you leave this box blank, it will be automatically filled with the name of the online store that created the carrier.
- Transit time. This parameter will be displayed to the user while making the purchase. It refers to the estimated time that the carrier uses to deliver the shipment. It should be a clear and simple phrase to avoid confusion. It will be very important when deciding which carrier to choose depending on how much more money to pay for a certain waiting time. E.g. " Customers prefer to pay more for a more expensive carrier " " The customer is not in a hurry for the shipment and prefers to save on shipping costs and hire the slowest carrier "
- Speed grade. Allows the user to be offered a scale of carrier speed, in order to rate the fastest carrier from 0 to 9. It is used to avoid text accumulation in carrier comparisons.
- Logo. A logo helps the user identify their preferred carrier, or simply the one they have had the most satisfactory experience with. Prestashop will resize the image to fit each form.
*The logo will appear on every panel of the Carrier Wizard, as a reminder of the carrier you are editing/creating.
- Tracking URL. This field should be filled in with the tracking URL provided by your carrier - if one exists -. When customers complete their purchase, they will receive that URL with the tracking number provided by the carrier, making it possible to click on that link and see where the customer's order is .
Easily configure your carrier's shipping costs, size and weight.

- Shipping and handling costs. Include or exclude shipping and handling costs in this carrier's prices.
- Apply shipping costs. If enabled, the final order price will include shipping costs and any additional shipping costs per product for this carrier, if any. If disabled, the final order price will include shipping costs and any additional shipping costs per product for this carrier, if any . will only include the shipping fee for the product – making this carrier basically free .
- Billing. Choose whether you want to calculate shipping costs by total price or total weight . This depends on how your carrier calculates billing , so be sure to check their documentation on this.
- Taxes. Indicates whether this carrier requires a local tax to make the delivery, and if so, what it is. The tax must exist in PrestaShop.
Out of range of behavior: In case the chosen carrier has not determined the shipping cost for the zone or the required weight , you can indicate how PrestaShop should react . You have two options:
- Apply the highest cost from the defined range . PrestaShop will take the highest price for the defined range and apply it to its conditions.
- Disable carrier . PrestaShop will not suggest this carrier as it is probably unable to deliver this order.

- Height, width, depth and maximum weight of the package . You can specify the minimum and maximum height and weight of a package, which is essential information for choosing a package carrier. The weight and price values are set in the specified unit on the "Localization" page under the "Localization" menu.
- Group Access – You may want only certain groups of users to be able to use a carrier. This option serves this purpose .