Why you are late to adapt your website to mobile devices

Por qué vas tarde para adaptar tu web a dispositivos móviles
Every day, more and more users access the Internet through mobile devices or tablets. For this reason, it is essential for those who have an online business to adapt their website to a mobile website.


What is responsive design?

Also known as adaptive or responsive web design, it is a design that allows adaptation, both of the appearance and the content of a web page to any device: mobile phones, PCs, tablets, e-books, etc. Responsive design allows your website's content to be visible on any device, adapting the content to the screen size and redistributing it to make it easier for the user to read. One of the most important reasons to adopt a responsive design is our friend Google. After almost two years of warning, the big G announced that on April 15, 2015, it would make changes to its algorithm that would affect sites not adapted to mobile devices. Luckily for many, this change did not have a decisive influence on the SERPs. On May 12 of this year, a new algorithm came into effect. According to some employees of the Silicon Valley giant, websites with quality content will continue to be positioned. However, important changes are beginning to be seen in the rankings of mobile results.

Do you want to know if your website is optimized for mobile?

Google provides users with a tool to find out if your website is adapted for mobile devices --> https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/ Google Mobile Friendly

Mobile website data

The latest digital marketing studies clearly reflect the current trend of users and the preferred devices for making purchases online. For your online business to prosper, you cannot lose sight of the following data: According to CMScore, in Spain 21.7 million users access digital content through smartphones or tablets. For desktops, 20 million users still prefer a desktop computer or laptop to browse the web, however, being accessible from mobile is essential to retain that high percentage of visits that your website registers from mobile. Nowadays, it is not enough to have a desktop version for your website, digital borders change every day and their reach increases daily. multiplatform-graphic-line In 2014, the data already predicted what, two years later, has come true. Two years ago, 66% of the Spanish population was multiplatform or accessed the Internet through their mobile device. Online shopping is becoming routine, and adapting the mobile version to the consumer to offer them a faster and more comfortable purchase is essential. web-optimized-data According to the Censuys Yellow Pages 2015 report, 27% of Spanish SMEs had a mobile-optimized website in 2015, and data estimates that this figure will grow to 43% in 2016. Mobile optimization has become one of the most in-demand features for Spanish companies when considering web design.

Advantages of Responsive Design

Provides a better user experience.

Correct navigation and viewing of a website on a device makes it easier to read and extends the time that the user remains online. One of the reasons is the loading speed; 40% of users abandon a website if it takes more than 4 seconds to load. We are faced with the difficulty of not only capturing the user's attention in less than 4 seconds, but we also have to ensure that the user remains while the web content is loading. Therefore, the responsive version must be well worked on at the code level in order to eliminate the time wasted during loading and the users who leave in that short space of time. Google and its tools help us again on this occasion, if you want to measure the time it takes for your website to load we recommend using Page Speed ​​Insight --> https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ google-developer-time

Google and the responsive version

As we have already mentioned previously, since 2015 Google has been warning those websites that do not have a responsive version (although the truth is that it has been for quite some time) and it seems that it is beginning to favor those that have done their homework in mobile searches. Although Google Google prefers responsive versions, it does not ignore mobile versions. We then enter into various criteria to question according to Google and its opinion. If the mobile version is better developed and optimized than the responsive version, the latter will prevail over the latter in search engines.

Unique URL

You eliminate duplicate information, since with the Mobile version you do not get two addresses, but rather you adapt the desktop version.

Digital Branding

You give visibility to the brand by offering it the differential advantage of browsing from a mobile device, a modern and accessible brand, perfect for silver surfers. According to an infographic by SEOcial published on Visual.ly, the advantages of having a responsive version of our website are greater in terms of data. 90% of Internet users browse from several devices, and 16% of all traffic that flows through the network is solely mobile. Google conducted a survey of users and 48% of Internet users interpret that if a website does not have an adapted version that allows user navigation, it means that the company does not care about its business and they hold it responsible for the bad experience they may have had when browsing its online website.


Engagement - SEO Strategies

Digital marketing allows you to create various segmented strategies, but with mobile marketing you will discover the ease of creating personalized strategies that really interest the client. Good mobile optimization done by professionals will make your website climb positions in Google and be placed among the best positioned.

Importance of responsive version

You will achieve greater loyalty and increase your sales.

Accelerated Mobile Project

Google, always at the forefront of advances in the technological world, was part of the creation of the AMP project. This project is aimed at smartphones and improving the user experience. There is a high percentage of visitors who get lost during the initial loading of the home page. 4 out of 10 users who wait while the home page loads from their mobile device leave the website if it takes more than 4 seconds. This is a very small margin to fight to save, which is why Google, together with Twitter, Pinterest, WordPress.com, Chartbeat, Parse-ly, Adobe Analytics and LinkedIn, promoted the implementation of special tags that significantly improve the performance of your website's content. AMP-HTML For this code there is no distinction, tablets, mobile devices, any platform and content can benefit from the Accelerated Mobile Project code. This code consists of three parts:
  • AMP JS
  • Google AMP Cache
This code is a set of custom tags that you must insert into the HTML code of your website. It will improve the performance of your website's multimedia content and increase visits, reducing the bounce rate. If you want to know more ---> https://www.ampproject.org/
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